Renowned American actress and talk show host, Jada Pinkett Smith, has made a candid revelation, stating that she never initially intended to marry her husband, Will...
Will Smith and wife Jada Pinkett Smith have been spotted out together for the first time since Will slapped Chris Rock over a joke he made...
Queen rapper, Nicki Minaj is weighing in on Will Smith‘s behavior at the 2022 Oscars. Nicki who issued a series of tweets regarding Will hitting Chris...
Will Smith has apologized for storming the Oscars stage to slap Chris Rock after the presenter made a joke about his wife Jada Pinkett-Smith. After the...
The Red Table Talk host made the revelation while addressing Alsina’s claim of a relationship between them. Red Table host, Jada Pinkett-Smith, has revealed she had...
Will Smith has denied giving August Alsina the permission to have a romantic affair with his wife Jada Pinkett, a claim which suggested that they have...
Hollywood star Jada Pinkett Smith has responded after singer, August Alsina alleged they had a romantic relationship, during a heartfelt interview. In a recent interview with...
August Alsina has confirmed that he had an affair with Will Smith’s wife, Jada Pinkett Smith. 27-year-old Alsina was introduced to 48-year-old Pinkett in 2015 by...