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Cardi B Reacts After Being Called Out For Stopping Her Daughter From Listening to Her Music, WAP


Cardi B has responded after a follower called her out for stopping her daughter from listening to the adult lyrics in her song WAP whereas other people’s kids are exposed to the same lyrics.

Cardi shared a video where she was listening to WAP and rapping along and her daughter Kulture comes out just at the part where Cardi was saying “Wet As* P*ssy” and the rapper immediately puts off the music to prevent her daughter from hearing such.

A follower reacted, tweeting: “So ya daughter cant listen to it but everybody else’s daughter can ? @iamcardib AW OKAY ! Exactly what I been saying you have an agenda to push with that trash ass label your with. DISGUSTING.”

And Cardi responded: “Ya needs to stop with this already ! I’m not jojosiwa ! I don’t make music for kids I make music for adults.Parents are responsible on what their children listen to or see.I I’m a very sexual person but not around my child just like every other parent should be.”